Friday, January 23, 2015

taking risks

Happy {WAY belated} New Year from my family & friends to yours!
The week leading up to New Year's Eve/New Year's Day is always an exciting one. We have a new year. A fresh start. "New Year, New Me." Right? So why do we feel like the same person three weeks later? 
In years past I have made lists with immense amounts of qualities/habits I would like to change. If I have 10 different qualities/habits I want to change, how in the world am I suppose to remember them all, let alone work on them all at the same time? For me, that's impossible. So this year, I decided to make three resolutions that all correlated.
      1. Trust God fully
      2. Worry less &
      3. Take more risks
How do those correlate? They form a nice little sentence to remind me of all three at one time: Take more risks by trusting Him fully & worrying less about the outcome. I've said this at least 100+ times since January 1st. 
Risk \'risk\: the possibility that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

I love my comfort zone, but I've learned that it gets boring. Even agonizing at times. When the chance to take a risk passes me by I'm haunted by the 'what if's?'. Yet, Every. Single. Time. I've taken a risk in the past three weeks, I immediately start to worry about the outcome. That phrase though, reminded me to just give it to Him. If He wants it to be it will be. Every. Single. Time. I have given it to Him, my heart was filled with peace & He has fixed it. 

Jump into the pool of possibilities & take a risk!
"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plan your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Thanks for reading. 
Much love,
Mally J.